with many in the industry, we feel passwords and simple bearer tokens such as
cookies are no longer sufficient to keep users safe”
This was the sentence that has been quoted by the Google
security engineers Eric Grosse and Mayank Upadhyay. Due the latest trends that
are been followed by the hackers nothing is safe. even the passwords that are combination of digits ,
alphabets(both upper & lower case) & special characters are no mare
safe and they can be easily cracked by the Hackers . To think off a solution
for this problem Google has been working on this Ring Finger Authentication
from the last few years
& at last the Google's proposal to eliminate the password will be presented in a research paper later this month in IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine. Parts of the soon-to-be-published paper were shared with Wired magazine.
& at last the Google's proposal to eliminate the password will be presented in a research paper later this month in IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine. Parts of the soon-to-be-published paper were shared with Wired magazine.
like your smartphone or smartcard-embedded finger ring to authorize a new
computer via a tap on the computer, even in situations in which your phone
might be without cellular connectivity."
Says Google security engineers Eric Grosse and Mayank Upadhyay.
becoming more well-known that passwords are not adequate anymore to prevent phishing,
spoofing, and all other manner of predatory online account scams. Even if you
keep numerous unique and complex passwords, remembering them is hard. As
scammers become more and more savvy, they'll inevitably find ways to infiltrate
those password management apps and programs.
Google is doing a good work but why is so google is taking the burden of this
strong password schemes? Isn't there some profit motive for Google to be the
lord of the rings? Are they trying to be the gatekeeper of your passwords so
they can better figure out what kind of targeted advertisements to put in front
of you?
Maybe so -- but remember that for the password rings to gain
wide acceptance, Google would need for thousands of banks, web sites and online
services to willingly participate. These sites will not participate if they see
the whole thing is just a big marketing scheme. That's why Google plans to
develop a "protocol for device-based authentication that they say is
independent of Google, requires no special software to work,"
So the magic "password ring" is more just a way to
establish better online security with a handy, wearable ring. Let us hope that
Google gives a wide range of colors & different models so that the girls
can be satisfied by their dress color to match.
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